Declaration in possibility of papal trip to Holy Land

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Holy See Press Office - Lombardi, Federico

Città del Vaticano       19/10/2008

VATICAN CITY, 19 OCT 2008 (VIS) - Following a number of news agency reports concerning the caption under Pope Pius XII's photograph in Jerusalem's Yad Vashem Museum, and the cause for his beatification, Holy See Press Office Director Fr. Federico Lombardi S.J. yesterday released the following declaration:

"As is already known, the Holy See representative to Israel has in the past raised objections concerning the caption about Pius XII in the Yad Vashem Museum. It is, therefore, to be hoped that this be the subject of a new, objective and profound examination on the part of the museum management.

"However, though important, this fact cannot be considered decisive in determining any papal journey to the Holy Land, which, as is known, the Pope would like to undertake but which has yet to be definitively planned.

"As for the cause of beatification, I reiterate what was said recently that the Pope has not yet signed the decree on the heroic virtues of Servant of God Pius XII, a signature that is necessary for the continuation of the cause. He is dedicating profound thought and reflection to the matter and in such a situation it is not appropriate to seek to exercise pressure upon him in one way or in another".

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Inserito 01/01/1970