13th Plenary Assembly of the World Jewish Congress, Jerusalem, 26-27 January 2009. Resolution on Catholic Church

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World Jewish Congress

Israele       27/01/2009

The delegates of 13th Plenary Assembly of the World Jewish Congress, representing 90 Jewish communities throughout the world, meeting in Jerusalem on 27 January 2008:

WHILST ACKNOWLEDGING that the decision is a matter entirely for the Holy See,

EXPRESS their profound concern about the decision by the Holy See to revoke the excommunication of Bishop Williamson who more than once expressed the view that the Shoah never occurred and that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion were a truthful exposition of a world-wide Jewish conspiracy;

EXPRESS DEEP CONCERN that the significant achievement in Jewish Catholic dialogue may be harmed by the decision;

CALL UPON his Holiness Pope Benedict XVI to strengthen and reinforce the achievements in Jewish Catholic dialogue thereby assisting to counter the adverse impression arising from the decision concerning Bishop Williamson.

198 visualizzazioni.
Inserito 01/01/1970