Papal Audience to the Delegation of the 'Pave the Way Foundation' of New York

Tutti i documenti (830)

John Paul II

Città del Vaticano       18/01/2005

Dear Friends,

With affection I greet the members of the "Pave the Way Foundation" on your visit to the Vatican, and I thank Mr. Krupp for the kind words which he has addressed to me on your behalf.

This year we will be celebrating the fortieth anniversary of the Second Vatican Council’s Declaration Nostra Aetate, which has significantly contributed to the strengthening of Jewish-Catholic dialogue. May this be an occasion for renewed commitment to increased understanding and cooperation in the service of building a world ever more firmly based on respect for the divine image in every human being.

Upon all of you, I invoke the abundant blessings of the Almighty and, in particular, the gift of peace. Shalom aleichem.

2536 visualizzazioni.
Inserito 01/01/1970